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We are a privately operated, multi-faith school committed to encouraging each and every student to achieve his/her full potential in both learning and social development; to prepare our students to become responsible citizens of the world. At Kinderstation school we have the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) and International Middle Years Curriculum (IMYC) combine with the national curriculum to provide your child with the best possible foundation on which to build their future. Our integrated and thematic curriculum uses English as the main language of instruction to give learning experiences that are relevant, engaging and enjoyable, helping our students to develop a creative and open mind.

We believe education is important for everyone. KinderStation Primary and kinderstation Junior High (SD&SMP Cahaya Bangsa Utama) are here out of the need provide a quality education for our children. we are delighted to be your partner in your child education. In the following pages you will find information designed to familiarize you with our expectations and programs. By enrolling your child in our school you have become part of our family that enjoys the fun and the rigor of real learning. we sincerely hope that in reading about our school and our activities you will gain a sense of the excitement and enthusiasm that is so evident to all who visit our school. we invite you to contact my colleagues or myself should you wish to discuss your child educational progress and needs.
Cahaya Bangsa Utama/KinderStation Primary is an internationally oriented primary school. We are a privately operated, multi-faith school committed to encouraging each and every student to achieve his/her full potential in both learning and social development; to prepare our students to become responsible citizens of the world. At KinderStation Primary/SD Cahaya Bangsa Utama we combine the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) with the national curriculum to provide your child with the best possible foundation on which to build their future. Our integrated and thematic curriculum uses English as the main language of instruction to give learning experiences that are relevant, engaging and enjoyable, helping our students to develop a creative and open mind.
Cahaya Bangsa Utama/KinderStation Junior High was built to continue the next level of Primary on 20th of August 2015. We are an internationally oriented secondary school. We would like to provide you with all practical help that you need to support the needs of your adolescent child. We are a privately operated, multi-faith school committed to encouraging every student to achieve full potential in both learning and social development (based on students ages) to prepare our students to become responsible citizens of the world. At kinderstation Junior High/ SMP Cahaya Bangsa Utama, we combine International Middle Years Curriculum(IMYC) with national curriculum to provide your child with the best possible foundation on which to build their future. The IMYC it self is specifically designed around the needs of the developing adolescent brain to improve the way your childs learn, which are based on recent and consistently proven research (please visits Fieldwork Education for the information pack). Our integrated and thematic curriculum uses English as the main language of instruction to give learning experiences that are relevant, engaging, enjoyable, and helping our students to develop creativity and International mindedness


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Mengenal Ciri Sekolah Aman dan Ramah Anak

Setiap awal tahun ajaran, banyak orang tua mencarikan sekolah yang baik untuk buah hati mereka. Selaku kepala sekolah, pertanyaan yang sering didengarkan oleh Mr. Koko, selaku kepala Sekolah SD Kinderstation, dan datang dari orang calon anak didik adalah perihal apakah SD Kinderstation benar-benar bisa menjadi sekolah yang ramah anak atau tempat yang aman dan nyaman bagi buah hati mereka untuk belajar dan bertumbuh. Berikut ini adalah hal-hal yang perlu orang tua pahami perihal ciri-ciri sekolah yang ramah anak. 1.  Guru yang peka terhadap keadaan kelas dan anak didik Setiap guru, baik guru kelas dan guru mata pelajaran harus memiliki kepekaan yang baik perihal keadaan kelas dan anak didik. Misalnya ada kejadian dimana ada anak didik yang biasnya terlihat banyak bicara, namun tiba-tiba menjadi pendiam. Guru yang baik akan menganggap bahwa situasi ini adalah situasi yang harus segera di atasi. Meskipun hal ini terlihat “biasa saja” atau bukan suatu kasus yang serius, namun

Keistimewaan “Hands On Learning” Dalam Pembelajaran di Sekolah

Hands On Learning adalah suatu metode pembelajaran yang memungkinkan anak untuk menggunakan tangannya sendiri. Dalam proses pembelajaran ini, tangan tidak hanya diam saja. Tangan perlu melakukan sesuatu atau bekerja. Dalam arti lain, dalam proses pembelajaran perlu adanya suatu kegiatan praktek atau praktikum. Kata lain dari “hands-on learning” adalah “learning by doing”.

Inilah Alasan SD Kinderstation Menjadi Pilihan Orang Tua Menyekolahkan Anak

SD Kinderstation adalah sekolah yang terletak Jl. KH. Muhdi, Corongan, Maguwoharjo, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Setiap guru di SD Kinderstation wajib mampu berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris, baik lisan maupun terltulis. Semua guru di SD Kinderstation minimal adalah seorang sarjana S1 dari berbagai bidang studi. Buku-buku yang digunakan di sekolah ini diterbitkan oleh penerbit-penerbit yang terpercara. Variasi Aktivitas Pengembangan Diri Anak Untuk mengembangkan ketrampilan dan talenta siswa, Kinderstation membuka 2 kegiatan di luar mata pelajaran wajib sekolah,  yaitu kegiatan intrakurikuler  (dilakukan pada saat jam pelajaran sekolah) dan ektrakulikuler (dilakukan di luar jam pelajaran sekolah).  Kegiatan intrakulikuler di sekolah ini adalah: - Robotics - Bahasa Mandarin - Biola - Quark - Dance - Grammar Games - Reading - Art - Science Club - Renang Sedangkan untuk kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di Kinderstation  adalah: - Taekwindo - Bahasa Mandarin - Renang - Desain Grafi